Need a Reno-Plan?

Renovation plan, Reno Plan, The Happy Renovator

Need tailored renovation plan or guidance?


(60 min)

Whether you want to renovate to rent, learn how to flip property or add value to your home, I want to be your personal guide. 

I help keen renovators gain the skills, knowledge and confidence to pursue their renovation dreams.

Time is money!  So, if you are after quick, tailored advice, then book a 1-hour chat with me.

During the call, the focus will be on YOU and your renovation goals. I offer you guidance to create a renovation plan that is practical, achievable and most importantly, suits YOUR budget and lifestyle.

Renovating can be stressful and confusing. Everyone’s circumstances are unique and we all work differently. Therefore, generic reno school doesn’t suit everybody.

I have renovated over 20 properties and want to save you from making costly mistakes!

What you most likely need is personalised guidance and a Reno-plan tailored to YOUR needs. Let me be your personal guide so that your next project is cost-effective and profitable. 

Take the stress out of the process and book a chat with me!

Personalised Guidance

I’ve helped many first-time and experienced renovators to clarify their dreams and answer their questions.

If you are unsure if flipping property is for you or you want to tackle that renovation project, but not feeling confident, then book a chat with me.

These 101 quick chats are perfect for individuals who would like to explore their renovation options, bounce ideas, ask questions or get feedback on what they are doing.

There is no need to re-invent the wheel.  We will work together, nut out the details so that you can deliver a successful project.

Calls are via zoom, facetime or phone call.

Let's Chat

Renovating can be stressful and confusing.
Get your specific questions answered directly.

A one-on-one 60 minute chat is all about finding out what YOUR renovation dreams are and how they can be achieved. 

Let’s chat and make it happen!

Renovation Plan

What will we chat about?

During our 60-minute chat, the focus will be 100% on you, your renovation dreams and how to achieve them. I will guide you to find the answers you are looking for!  So, note down all your questions!

Typical questions inlude:

How do I budget for a kitchen renovation?
Is property flipping too risky for me?
How do I start a renovation project?
What type of poperty suits me best?
How do I budget for a profit?
How do I establish a target market?
What is a scope of works?

The chat will help you:

  • Clarify your reno dreams and develop a strategy to achieve them!
  • Learn how you can executive your project easier, quicker, cost-effectively and profitable.
  • Work out a personalised plan to suit your needs, circumstances and budget.
  • Gain the confidence to execute your renovation plan.
  • Line up YOUR renovation goals & aspirations with your finances.
  • Learn how to budget for a renovation.
  • Weigh up pros and cons based on your own circumstances and finances.
  • Set achievable timelines
  • Get the advice you need to make your project easier, quicker and cost-effective.
  • Save you time, money and frustration!
  • Create a Reno-plan and/or Reno-budget that suits YOU.
  • Take the stress out of the planning process.
  • Fast track your reno.
  • Be more Reno Savvy!

$89 incl GST

Content will vary depending on your needs and circumstances, but here are further examples of questions and topics usually covered:-

  • Help me clarify my renovation goals & aspirations.
  • Help me line up my renovation goals & aspirations with my finances.
  • Help me understand the pros and cons of my upcoming renovation plan.
  • What type of property should I renovate?
  • How do I start a budget?
  • How do I budget for a profit?
  • How do I set an achievable timeline?
  • I want to get serious about property flipping, where and how do I start?
  • What types of properties should I flip?
  • What kind of research is required?
  • How do I learn to negotiate and buy well?
  • What is a realistic timeframe for my project?
  • How do I establish my target market?
  • What should I look for during property inspections?
  • Where do I get ideas from?
  • How do I make all the colours and finishes decisions?
  • In what order should I tackle the renovation?
  • In what order should I organise the tradespeople?
  • Can you help me list the planning details for my renovation?
  • Internal renovation plan details & pitfalls.
  • External renovation plan details & pitfalls.
  • Where do I get materials from?
  • What is a Scope of Works?
  • How do I create a clear scope of works for tradespersons?
  • How do I avoid the pitfalls of engaging & managing tradies?
  • What should my marketing and selling strategy be?
  • What size of poject should I undertake?
  • Is my project feasible?
  • Who should I target as the buyer?
  • Will my project return a profit?

Calls are via zoom, facetime or phone call.